
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A well-deserved vacation

Two more nights to go and my husband and I are off to the Sunshine State! I am excited since this will be the 7th state that I have been to, being new to Uncle Sam's country, I have been counting my visits. Since we got married, this is our first time to have a whole week vacation. All this time, my husband has worked so hard to make ends meet. On weekends, which are his rest days, you'll find him working around the house so if he's not holding a tool in his hand, he's on the computer paying bills. Having said that, the only way that he can have a real rest is to get out of the house and go somewhere. We all deserve a vacation sometimes. Like the old saying, "All work and no play makes Jack dull" (I think that's how it goes!) Anyways, the point of the matter is that our body needs to rest sometimes because the last thing that we want is for it to retire on us. Furthermore, coming from the Midwest, a visit to any state in a coastal area, just watching the sun rise or as it set in the horizon, and walking along the beach, feeling the sand in your bare feet, hearing the splashing of the waves as it meet the shore, would really prove so relaxing.

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